Milwaukee’s Garden District Among the Winners at 2024 Mayor’s Design Awards

The Garden District Neighborhood Association was among the winners at the City of Milwaukee’s 2024 Mayor’s Design Awards.

Milwaukee Garden District · 1 minute read

The Garden District Neighborhood Association was among the winners at the City of Milwaukee’s 2024 Mayor’s Design Awards. Each year, the City of Milwaukee Department of City Development recognizes local organizations that have “added value to their neighborhoods by restoring, constructing or enhancing their properties in a way that respects the urban fabric and contributes to the character of their surroundings.”

GDNA was honored for its ongoing work at the Garden District Community Garden site. In particular, our new gazebo seems to have caught their eye—and earned the recognition for GDNA. 

According to the Mayor’s Design Award website, “As the chair of the Garden District Neighborhood Association, former Alderman Terry Witkowski, coordinated an all-volunteer effort to revitalize the garden block. The multi-phase project included replanting the gardens, construction of a large gazebo, and the addition of multiple sculptures and artistic site features.”

Another Garden District institution, the Who's On Layton sports pub, 512 W Layton Ave., was a fellow winner of the Mayor’s Design Award. They were recognized for transforming an empty building into a vital spot on a main corridor in the Garden District. Congratulations to you, too!